
Five Natural Remedies for Anxiety

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Anxiety is a mental disorder that is characterized by excessive feelings of worry. It can be all-consuming and unfortunately causes everyday, persistent worrying and fear. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to cope with it. Seeking medical care is always a smart idea, especially if it starts to interfere with your daily life. However, there are also natural remedies that may help ease your anxiety. This includes exercising regularly,…
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Five Signs You Need a Therapist

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Some think that therapy will only benefit them if they have a serious illness or trauma they are trying to recover from, however this is not the case. Almost anyone can benefit from therapy, regardless of their mental state. If you’re looking to improve yourself and your life, therapy can be for you. Some benefits of therapy include improved communication skills, greater self-esteem, better management of emotions, and more. Below…
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3 Reasons why Sleep is so Important for your Mental Health

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Dalai Lama once said, “sleep is the best medicine.” Sleep is essential to the human body because it allows your body to rest, recharge, and recover for another day. Without enough sleep, serious repercussions could occur because sleep is needed to keep your body healthy and functioning properly. Adults are believed to need 7-9 hours of sleep each night with children and teenagers possibly needing more. In this blog, we’ll…
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The 5 Love Languages and Why They’re Important

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People can give and receive love in many different ways. Knowing and understanding the 5 love languages will help you understand and appreciate your partner while being able to give them the attention they need. This concept first came about in Dr. Chapman’s book, The 5 Love Languages,  in 1992 where we discussed different types of ways to give and receive love. Understanding the different love languages and which ones…
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Dealing with Work Anxiety

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Are you dreading going back to work after the holidays? There are so many aspects of a job that can cause anxiety- having tight deadlines, trying to maintain a work-life balance, dealing with difficult coworkers, meeting expectations, and more. No matter what the root of your work anxiety is, there are ways to cope with it. Some coping mechanisms include having a self care routine, communicating what’s going on to…
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Are you Having Trouble Sleeping?

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Having difficulties sleeping could mean many things. This involves both not getting enough sleep and getting too much sleep. On average, you should be getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night. If you find yourself outside of this number on a consistent basis, you may be experiencing insomnia, depression, anxiety, sleep apnea, or something else. If you are having trouble sleeping, below are some signs to look out…
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High Self-Esteem Checklist

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Having a high self-esteem means more than just liking yourself. It involves loving, valuing, respecting, and believing in yourself. Self-esteem encompasses how you feel about yourself and having a high self-esteem allows you to feel worthy and allows you to feel capable of achieving greater things. Having high self-esteem is important because it allows you to put your highs and lows into perspective since at the end of the day…
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Talking to a Therapist Vs A Friend

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When to Talk to a Therapist vs. a Friend A common reason people don’t seek the help of a therapist is because they think it’s just like talking to a good friend, only it costs a lot more money. However, seeing a therapist is so much more than having a heart-to-heart with a loved one. If you are caught between deciding when to talk to a therapist vs. a friend,…
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Wellness and Healthy Relationships

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Why Healthy Relationships Are So Important  Humans are social creatures by nature. The relationships we build with others are vital to our mental, physical, and emotional well-being, and ultimately, our survival. The reason why healthy relationships are so important is because they support us living a healthier life overall. Remember, a relationship doesn’t mean there has to be romantic feelings. Friendships, familial relationships, and romantic relationships all count! Now, what…
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What is Gaslighting and What to do About It

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Gaslighting is a form of emotional manipulation that can often cause you to doubt yourself and question your reality. It often occurs in abusive relationships and can be considered a form of emotional abuse. Gaslighting makes the victim question their judgments and own reality because the abuser creates a false narrative in order to make the victim dependent on the deceiver. Read below to learn about examples of gaslighting and…
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