
Social Media: The Good vs. The Harmful 

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Social Media: The Good vs. The Harmful  We often hear about how social media is harmful to mental health and well-being, especially amongst younger generations. However, a recent study by the Harvard School of Public Health, proved that mindful, routine social media use can actually be beneficial to one’s social well-being, mental health, and self-rated health. You may be wondering, where is the line between social media being beneficial and…
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Why We Hold Grudges and How to Let Go

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Why We Hold Grudges and How to Let Go Are you holding onto a grudge you just can’t seem to let go of? If so, you are not alone. Many people hold grudges, some so deep rooted they can last a lifetime. However, failing to let go of a grudge can take a big toll on your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. To clarify, holding a grudge is when you…
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Being Outside is Good For Your Mental Health

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Being Outside is Good For Your Mental Health It is obvious that going outside and taking a walk is beneficial for your physical health, but the benefits go beyond that. Research shows that being outside is good for your mental health as well. With the increase of technology in the past decade, our reliance on technology and the global trend towards urban living means people are spending less and less…
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Being Jealous vs Being Envious

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Oftentimes, people confuse their feelings of envy for jealousy, or vice versa. However, there is a difference between these two emotions. How do you define being jealous vs being envious? Generally speaking, envy is wanting something someone else has while jealousy is more about holding onto something you already have. Another way of looking at these two emotions, in the context of relationships, is that envy usually happens between two…
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How to Support an Anxious Partner

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How to Support an Anxious Partner Living with anxiety can be tough and may take a big toll on someone’s day-to-day life. However, loving someone who struggles with anxiety can be arguably just as tough and stressful. You may feel powerless, like there is nothing you can do to help your partner through their anxiety. You may also feel overwhelmed by how your partner’s anxiety affects your own daily life.…
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How Anxiety Manifests in Your Body Physically

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How Anxiety Manifests in Your Body Physically When you hear about anxiety, you generally hear about the mental and emotional effects it can have. However, it is important to recognize that anxiety may also include physical symptoms. The connection between how you are feeling physically and your emotional state may not always be obvious to you. Follow along as we clarify how anxiety manifests in your body physically and why…
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How to Deal With Life Transitions

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How to Deal With Life Transitions Change is a constant and inevitable part of life. Whether it's moving to a new city, becoming an empty nester, going through a divorce, getting married, having kids, or starting a new job, major life transitions can be difficult and may take a toll on your mental well-being. The reason it is tough for some people to deal with major change comes down to…
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Staying Informed and Your Mental Health

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Staying Informed and Your Mental Health It is important to stay informed. However, it is equally important to take care of your mental health. With the amount of time we spend using technology and social media platforms, we are constantly bombarded with the latest stories and may feel pressured to always know what is going on in the world. Don’t forget, having a 24/7 news cycle that is always available…
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Compliments Affect People Differently

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Compliments Affect People Differently Did you know compliments affect people differently depending on how they feel about themselves. We generally assume everyone loves to be praised and hear kind things about themselves, but that is not always the case. Have you ever met someone who is always deflecting your compliments, or do you yourself feel uncomfortable when someone compliments you? If your self-esteem is low, it can be hard to…
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What is Self-Talk?

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What is Self-Talk? What is self-talk and why does it matter? Self-talk is everything you say to yourself throughout the waking hours of your life. Your thoughts and internal dialogues can be destructive or beneficial, depending on how positive or negative your self-talk is. Ultimately, it can influence how you feel about yourself and how you respond to events in your life. Thus, it is important to be aware of…
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