Signs You’re in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

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Abusive relationships aren’t always physical. In fact, emotional abuse within relationships is even more common than physical abuse. Emotional abuse is usually harder to spot because it can masquerade as an intense form of love and devotion. Physical, sexual, or psychological harm can all be considered abusive behavior. Some signs of an emotionally abusive relationship include the following. Gaslighting You Gaslighting is used to undermine the other person’s reality. When…
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Ways to Effectively Treat Seasonal Affective Disorder

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Seasonal Affective Disorder is a mood disorder characterized by depression that occurs at the same time every year. It often occurs during the times of year where there is a lot less sunlight. In many cases, seasonal affective disorder symptoms appear during late fall or early winter and go away during the sunnier days of spring and summer. Symptoms include feeling down most of the day, losing interest in things…
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Hypnotherapy with a Licensed Professional vs. Self-Hypnosis

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What is it? Hypnotherapy is a heightened state of concentration and focused attention. It’s typically done with a licensed professional who is trained and a certified hypnotherapist. They guide you through the process and into a deep state of relaxation with verbal cues, repetition and imagery.The high-level intensity allows you to be more open to suggestions to make changes to improve your health with your thoughts, behaviors, emotions, perceptions, and…
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Self-Worth and Healthy Relationships

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What is Self-Worth and How do we Build It? Self-worth is defined by Merriam-Webster as “a feeling that you are a good person who deserves to be treated with respect”. It means that you value yourself and feel that you’re worthy. Self-worth is more behavioral than emotional and is mostly about how you act toward what you value rather than how you compare yourself towards others. For example, a person…
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4 Signs You’re in a Healthy Sexual Relationship

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Sexual intimacy in a relationship can help bring a couple closer together, but can also have the potential to become unhealthy and abusive. Are you wondering if you have a healthy sexual relationship? Four signs that can signify a healthy sexual relationship include emotional vulnerability, well-balanced sexuality, respecting boundaries, and trust. Read below to learn more. You can be Emotionally Vulnerable Sharing your emotions and communicating openly with your partner…
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4 Ways To Resolve Conflict in a Meaningful Way

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Resolving conflict where both parties end happily can be challenging but not impossible. There are many tools you can use to help you resolve conflict. Using the acronym, CARE, can help you get there. The four ways to resolve conflict meaningfully include communicating, actively listening, reviewing all options, and ending with a win-win solution. Can you think of any other ways to help you resolve conflict? Let us know in…
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4 Ways to Practice Self-Compassion

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Be Mindful Mindfulness is all about our own sense of self-awareness, creating a greater connection with our bodies and emotions, and a stronger presence within our immediate environments. Practicing mindfulness can help you erase your negative beliefs about yourself and can help you begin to start loving yourself. Mindfulness has even been found to have a positive impact on self-compassion, as it has a tendency to lessen self-judgment (Kabat-Zinn, 2014).…
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How to Support your Best Friend who is Depressed

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Educate Yourself The first thing you want to do if one of your loved one is depressed is educate yourself on depression, especially if you have never experienced it yourself. Look at online resources and familiarize yourself with the symptoms, warning signs, support available, treatment options, and more. If you’ve never had depression, it might be hard to empathize with your loved one about it or even understand why they…
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Ambition is the persistent and generalized striving for success, attainment, and accomplishment. Ambitious people have an inner drive that helps them stay motivated when working toward their goals. Having ambition is important because it can help you achieve what you want in life. Luckily, there are many ways to learn to be more ambitious in your life including making SMART goals and having a life coach. Find ways to shift…
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Relationship Green Flags

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When you’re just starting out in a new relationship, it’s always important to look for relationship green flags. A green flag in a relationship indicates mutual respect between one another and compatibility. While they might be subtle, it’s still critical to pay attention to them in order to help determine the long-term potential with one another. Examples of relationship green flags include making time for the other person, being a…
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