Self-Harm Awareness Month

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Self-Harm Awareness Month March is Self-Harm Awareness Month, an annual, global awareness event and campaign. Throughout the month of March, educators, medical professionals, and policy makers organize conferences and workshops to focus the public’s attention on matters related to self-harm. For example, many of the events center around how to identify if someone is struggling with self-harm and how to best help those who self-harm. There is a common misconception…
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Ways to Start Accepting Yourself

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Ways to Start Accepting Yourself The truth is, all of us have something to offer this massive, unique, diverse world. However, it can be hard to realize your full potential if you are unable to accept yourself for who you are. It is important to note, self-acceptance is about accepting all facets of yourself, even the less desirable aspects. Self-acceptance is not about changing yourself to a more ideal version.…
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Relationships and the Not-so-Great Feelings

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Relationships and the Not-so-Great Feelings You may have heard references to the “honeymoon stage” before. If not, the honeymoon stage refers to the beginning of a relationship when you’re crazy in love and everything is magical, new, and exciting. The tough reality is the honeymoon phase can’t last forever. At some point, you and your partner will meet up with real life, and sometimes it isn’t so fun. It’s important…
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What Does Self-Care Look Like?

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What Does Self-Care Look Like? If 2020 has taught us anything, it is the importance of self-care for our overall well-being. However, self-care isn’t only important in the wake of stressful situations such as a pandemic, it is important all the time. Self-care should be a lifelong practice we dedicate ourselves to perfecting. If you have a family or partner, you may struggle with feeling particularly guilty or selfish for…
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Changing Up New Year’s Resolutions

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Changing Up New Year's Resolutions The usual resolutions, such as, losing weight, quitting smoking, saving more money, or drinking less alcohol are often ineffective. Studies show less than 25% of people stay committed to their resolutions after just 30 days, and only about 8% accomplish them per year. These statistics for the typical New Year’s resolutions are grim to say the least. Thus, changing up New Year’s resolutions to focus…
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How Do You Know if You’re With the Right Person?

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How Do You Know if You’re With the Right Person? There are countless articles on the internet that focus on when to end a relationship, or how to get out of a toxic, manipulative, one-sided, or otherwise unhealthy relationship. But, how do you know if you’re with the right person? What defines a healthy and happy relationship? Below, we will take a look at some of the cornerstones to a…
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Stuck in Toxic Relationships and How to Get Out

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Why You Are Stuck in Toxic Relationships and How to Get Out Sometimes, you can be so blinded by love it is hard to see the true toxicity of your relationship. On the other hand, you may know your relationship is toxic, but you are unsure of how to end the relationship. Either way, in order to stop yourself from entering a continuous cycle of toxic relationships, you must first…
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The Pros and Cons of Teletherapy

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The Pros and Cons of Teletherapy With the emergence of the Covid-19 virus this year, it seems everything is now virtual, including therapy sessions. However, telemedicine has actually been increasingly talked about for the past few years as a lucrative industry development that would allow doctors to expand their reach and accommodate some patients in a faster, easier way. COVID-19 has simply accelerated the development of successful and reliable telehealth…
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Should You Separate From Your Partner?

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Should You Separate From or Divorce Your Partner? Making the decision to separate from and end a relationship can be hard. Is your relationship really doomed, or could it be repaired? Are you staying in a relationship because it is right for you, or because you don’t want to hurt other people? There are a million questions that could be running through your head as you try to decipher: should…
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Help Someone Battling Anxiety or Depression

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How You Can Help Someone Battling Anxiety or Depression Seeing someone you care for deeply struggle with anxiety or depression can be extremely difficult. It is hard to know the exact right thing to do, for fear of pushing them further into their mental health struggles. With the stakes so high, it is important to know the do’s and don'ts when trying to figure out how you can help someone…
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