Handling the Uncertainty of Post-Pandemic Life

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Handling the Uncertainty of Post-Pandemic Life With about 60% of Americans vaccinated against COVID-19, things are starting to open up and mask mandates are dwindling. While this is the moment we have all been waiting for, now that it is here it can be hard to return to normal. Handling the uncertainty of post-pandemic life and the anxiety that comes along with that may be a struggle. Follow along as…
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Cope With Anxiety from the 24/7 News Cycle

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3 Ways to Cope With Anxiety from the 24/7 News Cycle Technology and social media have made it seem that we should all know what is going on in the world at all times. However, having a news cycle that is churning out new information 24/7 is something fairly new for humans to handle and comprehend. It is completely normal and understandable that some people feel anxiety from staying constantly…
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The Truth About Therapy

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The Truth About Therapy Therapy is so much more than just talking to a mental health professional. In fact, therapy is a way for us all to improve our mental health through a multitude of different methods and tools. Unfortunately, the misconceptions and stigmas surrounding therapy often discourage people from seeking help. If you have reservations about seeing a therapist, continue reading as we debunk common myths about therapy and…
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Building Self-Esteem Through Affirmations

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Building Self-Esteem Through Affirmations The words you use when you talk to or about yourself have a major impact on your self-esteem. Furthermore, the words you hear from others about yourself can subconsciously shape your self-esteem and overall self-image. Now, these may not seem like ground-breaking statements. In fact, pretty much every self-help book out there preaches the importance of positive self-talk. However, if you struggle with low self-esteem, it…
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Tips for Making Sustainable Lifestyle Changes

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Tips for Making Sustainable Lifestyle Changes Every day we each make decisions that affect the environment, climate, and other species. Individually, we have the power to make daily decisions to live a more sustainable life. If every individual incorporated more sustainable practices in their lifestyle, we collectively could make monumental strides toward a better future. If you are interested in doing your part to reduce your carbon footprint and take…
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What You Should Expect from a Life Coach

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What You Should Expect from a Life Coach Diving into the world of self-improvement can be intimidating. There are different methods, different types of professionals to help, different treatment focuses, and what works for one person may not work for you! However, it is extremely rewarding to invest in yourself and you will not regret fostering your personal growth. It may take some trial and error, but it is important…
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April is Couple Appreciation Month

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April is Couple Appreciation Month Let’s face it, relationships aren’t always good. Relationships can be hard, frustrating, tiring, maybe even boring at times. Thus, it can be easy to take your partner for granted. However, oftentimes the hardships in relationships do not overshadow the comfort, love, and happiness between two people. That is why it is extremely important to intentionally celebrate the good parts of your relationship. Bring your focus…
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Intimacy is Not Synonymous with Sex

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Intimacy is Not Synonymous with Sex Oftentimes, we hear the word intimacy used in the context of romance and sex. For example, the phrase “being intimate with someone” may be used as a way to describe having sex. However, it is important to note intimacy is not synonymous with sex. Intimacy is defined as closeness or familiarity between people in personal relationships. Sure, sex can help partners build intimacy, but…
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Diving into the 5 Love Languages

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Diving into the 5 Love Languages You have probably heard, at least, a mention of love languages before. Perhaps, however, you have never really known or understood your own love language. In this blog post, we will be diving into the 5 love languages, what they mean, the difference between giving and receiving love, and more! It is important to understand your own love languages, both giving and receiving, in…
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Coronaphobia is Happening

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Coronaphobia is Happening The COVID-19 pandemic has been life altering in a variety of ways. Now, after about a year of dealing with the effects of COVID-19, researchers have coined the term and confirmed coronaphobia is happening. While it is only natural to feel some anxiety living through a global pandemic, coronaphobia refers to extreme health anxiety specific to the fear of contracting COVID-19. All the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, and…
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