chriselda santos

Behavior Therapy vs. Cognitive Behavior Therapy

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In the realm of mental health and psychological well-being, various therapeutic approaches exist to help individuals overcome challenges and achieve a higher quality of life. Two of the most commonly practiced therapies are Behavior Therapy (BT) and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). While they share some similarities and goals, they have distinct differences that make them suitable for different situations. In this blog, we'll explore these therapies, their principles, and when…
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What to Look For in a Life Coach

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Finding the right life coach is a crucial and often transformative step in your journey towards personal and professional growth. In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, having a life coach by your side can be a game-changer. A life coach offers not just guidance and support, but also acts as an accountability partner, helping you navigate through life's complexities and challenges. However, the effectiveness of coaching largely depends on the…
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5 Ways Intrusive Thoughts Impact Daily Life

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Life can be pretty routine, but sometimes, out of nowhere, your brain decides to put on an impromptu stand-up comedy show, and it's not always a hit. These uninvited guests are called intrusive thoughts, and they can be downright weird, irrational, and sometimes even hilarious. Let's take a lighthearted journey through 5 ways intrusive thoughts impact daily life. After all, we all need a good laugh to deal with the…
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5 Ways to Practice Gratitude This Month 

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In the whirlwind of our busy lives, it's all too easy to become entangled in the web of daily stressors and negative thoughts. However, amidst the chaos, there's a deceptively simple practice with profound effects on our mental health: gratitude. As we usher in a new month, let's delve deeper into the art of cultivating gratitude and explore a practical five ways to practice gratitude this month. By doing so,…
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How to Overcome Infidelity in Therapy

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Infidelity is a painful breach of trust that can shatter even the strongest of relationships. The journey to healing and reconciliation is often a complex and emotionally charged one, and therapy can be an invaluable resource in navigating this challenging path. In "How to Overcome Infidelity in Therapy," we will explore the critical role of therapy in rebuilding trust, communication, and the foundation of a relationship after infidelity has occurred.…
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5 Benefits of Integral Breathwork

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In a world marked by constant stress and ever-increasing demands, it's essential to explore holistic approaches to well-being. Integral breathwork is one of these holistic approaches. Breathwork is a highly personal process that uses specific breathing techniques to clear out physical, mental and emotional blocks or stresses. In this article, we will delve into the "5 Benefits of Integral Breathwork," and how this practice, often utilized at Life Balance Therapy,…
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5 Benefits of Depression Screening

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Depression, often described as the silent battle within, touches the lives of countless individuals across the globe. The good news is that this battle is not one you must fight alone. Depression is a treatable condition, and early detection through screening plays an integral role in the journey to recovery. In this blog, we'll delve deep into just 5 remarkable benefits of depression screening. It's not just a medical practice;…
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Supporting a Child Who Experienced Trauma

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In the realm of childhood experiences, nothing is more devastating than the enduring effects of trauma. For children who have undergone traumatic events, the road to healing and recovery can be filled with emotional challenges. As caregivers, parents, educators, or loved ones, our role is to provide unwavering support and understanding. In this blog post, we will delve into five essential ways to support a child who has experienced trauma.…
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5 Ways to Cope With Losing a Loved One

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Losing a loved one is one of the most profound and challenging experiences we can face in life. The pain, grief, and emptiness that follow can feel overwhelming, leaving us searching for ways to navigate the complex journey of bereavement. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to coping with loss, there are strategies that can help ease the burden and provide some semblance of healing. In this blog, we'll explore…
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5 Ways Shame Affects Your Mental Health

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Shame, a complex and deeply ingrained emotion, has the power to profoundly impact our mental health. Often hidden in the shadows, shame can silently erode our well-being, leading to a range of psychological and emotional challenges. In this blog, we will delve into 5 ways shame affects your mental health, shedding light on its pervasive influence and the need for understanding and healing.  1. Anxiety and Depression Shame is closely…
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