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Why Premarital Counseling is Important

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Why Premarital Counseling is Important

            While premarital counseling has traditionally been administered and mandated by religious leaders, it has become increasingly common for non-denominational couples to seek premarital counseling from a licensed therapist. Premarital counseling refers to counseling sessions that take place prior to marriage. It is thought that premarital counseling can help couples better prepare and understand their roles and responsibilities in a marriage. It also provides a safe space for couples to openly discuss and set their expectations for marriage, improve their communication, and develop conflict-resolution skills. You, or your partner, may be wondering why premarital counseling is important? Below we will discuss the multitude of reasons couples are turning to premarital counseling and the benefits it can provide.

Preparing You For Marriage

            Marriage is a huge commitment with, hopefully, a long road ahead. It is easy to get caught up in the excitement of an engagement, not fully understanding the weight of commitment or how marriage can change the dynamic of a relationship. Moreover, it is important to understand how your opinions and values regarding marriage differ from your partners. We all have different upbringings, life experiences, and relationship role models that have shaped what we expect from a marriage. Before getting married, partners should discuss these differences so they can provide better support and understanding towards one another during marriage.

Having an objective third party monitor and guide these conversations can help couples avoid conflict and work towards compromising decisions to make the marriage work best for both parties. Additionally, the advice and guidance you will receive from a therapist will be based in scientific research that informs us on what works and what does not work in building successful marriages, thus reliably preparing you.

Improving Communication and Ability to Resolve Conflicts

            Premarital counseling is the perfect opportunity to deepen your understanding of your partners communication style. It can be easy to think that the way we wish to communicate is the same way everyone else wishes to be communicated with. However, this is often not the case and can cause miscommunications amongst couples. Knowing what your partner wants and needs when communicating can save you a lot of time and heartache. Understanding each other’s communication style also includes: understanding how you both give and receive love, manage stress, and what you each need in a time of conflict.

            Conflicts are inevitable in any long-standing relationship. The way we handle conflict can truly change the course of our relationships. Premarital counseling equips couples with specific conflict-resolution skills to fall back on whenever there may be a disagreement. This helps teach couples to not ignore their issues and work through them together as they arise, decreasing the amount of unnecessary arguing and harboring of negative feelings towards each other.

Alleviate Marriage Anxiety

            It is completely normal to feel a sense of anxiety around marriage, no matter how much you love your partner. Utilizing premarital counseling as a way to, again, confront these issues instead of avoiding them could really help your relationship in the long run. Counseling provides you with the comfort of knowing you have the framework to build a healthy, long-lasting relationship. Working through your anxieties together, confronting your differences, and developing solid communication skills will help to reassure you and allow you and your partner to grow together.

Where to Find Premarital Counseling

            It is now common for most family and relationship therapists to offer premarital counseling. Having a licensed, trained psychotherapist guide you and your partner ensures that you are receiving credible advice backed by scientific research. Chriselda Santos, a licensed psychotherapist with a certification in life coaching is passionate about helping couples develop healthy relationship standards in order to thrive. She understands every couple is unique and will work closely with you and your partner to create an experience that works for you. If you are interested in learning more about her work, visit her website. For any questions, or to book an appointment, you can reach Chriselda at 210-549-6663 or email at [email protected]